Acne Vulgaris Treatment

Acne vulgaris, or acne, is a skin condition that occurs when dead skin cells and oil clog up skin pores. It is sometimes referred to as blackheads, whiteheads, blemishes, zits, or pimples. When you only have a few red pimples or spots, it is a mild type of acne. On the other hand, severe acne can be characterized by hundreds of pimples covering the neck, face, back, and chest. It can also be bigger, red, painful solid lumps (cysts).

Acne vulgaris causes :

The most common cause of acne vulgaris is puberty. Hormonal changes during puberty, such as an androgen increase can enhance sebum production and an increase in keratinocytes. In addition, some hormonal changes in pregnancy and menstruation periods can cause acne.

Excessive use of cleansing agents, cosmetic agents, increased sweating and humidity can also cause this condition. Some dietary items such as fried foods and chocolate also increase the chances of developing the problem.

Acne may run in families. You are very likely to have acne if one or both your parents had the severe form of the condition. The condition can also be caused by infections and medications like steroids, birth control pills, and anticonvulsant drugs.

Acne vulgaris symptoms :

Some acne vulgaris cases lead to formation of very painful cysts. They are pus-filled lumps deep beneath the skin’s surface. They can cause scars and make you have mental distress.

Some patients may get comedones in the form of whiteheads and blackheads. Whiteheads are closed comedones that are whitish, palpable, flesh-colored lesions with a diameter of about 1-3mm. Blackheads are open comedones and look like whiteheads save for a dark center.

Papules can appear. These are tiny raised bumps that indicate infection or inflammation of the hair follicles. They may be tender and red.

Some patients can develop pustules, which are tender, red bumps that have white pus at the tips. Others can develop solid, large, painful bumps under the skin’s surface known as nodules. These result from the accumulations of secretions deep below hair follicles.

Natural acne vulgaris treatment procedure:

Natural remedies are a gentler, safer and effective treatment method to reduce acne than conventional medications that often contain synthetic chemicals. Some herbs such as tea tree oil, Arctium lappa and Azadirachta indica protect the skin and contain antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties.

Aspalathus linearis and Bulbine frutescence help to relieve and prevent skin diseases, and also contain good antioxidant properties that help to deal with free radicals and discourage signs of aging.

In order to avoid acne vulgaris breakout, you should follow these important tips for a clear, healthy skin:

  • Wash your face two times daily with warm water as well as a good pH balanced cleanser or wash. Apply a moisturizer meant for acne skin afterwards.
  • Do not touch your face with the fingers as this can spread bacteria and infection, making the pores inflamed.
  • Eat a well-balanced healthy diet with plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits and avoid refined or fatty foods. Also drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to get rid of toxins from your body.
  • Shampoo your hair regularly to make it clean and be sure it does not touch your face to prevent dirt and oil from clogging pores.
  • If you have acne, wear loose cotton clothes that will allow your skin to breathe
  • Never pop pimples because this will only cause infection and swelling
  • Stay away from the sun and when you are outside, put on a sunscreen
  • Stop smoking because it may increase signs of aging on your skin and worsen acne.

When treating acne vulgaris, it is better to take action early. This will help to improve the condition significantly. And instead of using excess creams or chemicals, use natural remedies as they are simple and effective, and don’t have any side effects.